Tribute to John Hindle

Broadcaster, journalist and author John Hindle was found dead in his North Melbourne home last week after he did not turn up for his 3AK relief shift filling in for Doug Aiton.

Aiton told the Melbourne Age “Hindle’s death was a shock because he had appeared to be on the mend after spending many months in hospital. He came back on to radio with me . . . and he was getting better all the time.”

“He will be remembered for his incredibly quick wit and thoughtfulness and kindness,” said Aiton.

Hindel worked as a film critic in the 1970s and ’80s for The National Times and ABC radio and television, then moved to 3AW, where he developed his well known “Letter To Mike” which was a commentary on life in Melbourne.

3AK producer Randall Berger and presenter Doug Aiton put together these two audio tributes to Hindle “so people can hear his last sessions and how bright he was.”

The 4:01 track is the Last
letter To Mike by John Hindle
on Monday, June 23 (4.20 Mb).

The 1:50 track  (2.20 Mb) is a tribute cut together from promos
of Hindle and Doug Aiton
… with Letter To Mike top and tail.