Theme park may be no fun for ABC

The ABC is proposing to build a kids theme park as part of a redevelopment of the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds, a plan it has been considering for four years.

While Victorian Premier Steve Bracks has welcomed the ABC’s proposal, the Friends of the ABC is not so positive about the idea and has called for the corporation’s board to reject it.

“Tacky and dangerous, an action which would seriously damage the ABC’s reputation if it proceeds,” is how Terry Laidler, a Friends of the ABC spokesperson describes the ABC’s involvement in the theme park.

“The ABC’s integrity lies in its independence. The broadcaster has earned public confidence and respect because it does not sell cars to adults or lollies to children…

“FABC recognises that the ABC is struggling for funds. But joining in ventures, or selling its creations and trusted name to a commercial operation to make money out of children, is unethical and downright dangerous.”

Friends of the ABC believes that, if the ABC Board allows this scheme to proceed, it will be a betrayal of the public’s trust in the broadcaster’s integrity and that if it begins to earn money “the government may withdraw further from its responsibility to fund the broadcaster.”

“The ABC is the national broadcaster… It is not a business, and was not established to prop us theme parks,” says Laidler.