Politics and media from Imran Khan at Radio Conference

Talking about his upcoming bid for power in the next Pakistani elections, Imran Khan told Radio Conference delegates today: “In cricket I was successful because I believed I could win, it’s the same with politics… nothing is impossible.”

Khan spoke about the impact of ‘free media’ on the politics of his country since the coming of new radio and tv services to Pakistan. He explained to the audience the ins and outs of the tribal conflict and the effect the ‘war on terror’ was having on his country.

The Taliban were not terrorists, they were religious fundamentalists, but since innocent women and children have been killed by US bombs they have been radicalised,” he told conference delegates.

He suggested the way to bring peace back to the region was not through military action, but by conversation and an injection of much needed help for the region: “The War on Terror is spending $12 million per month, if you gave that much money to the people of Afghanistan they would do anything you asked.”

Khan’s message was that free media can create great opportunities for democracy and for the betterment of communities. He delivered it well.