hit92.9 listener wins chance to live rent free for a year

Alwen took the major prize for Heidi, Xavier & Ryan’s ‘Live for Free’ competition. 

 With over 10,000 registrants and seven finalists, winner Alwen couldn’t believe her luck.

“I’m hopeless at even entering competitions, but I’ve never tried to win anything this big.”
Taken to The Hen House in Perth with six other finalists, Alwen was faced with a choice of seven doors to open, only one of which led to a year of financial freedom.
“I don’t know why I picked door number five,” she said.
Alwen’s winnings will go towards rent for the next 12 months, freeing up her income to fulfil a lifelong dream of visiting an Elephant Sanctuary in Thailand with her two best friends, and surprising her Dad in their Welsh hometown for his 60th birthday.
It’s been an amazing experience from beginning to end,” she said.
“And, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say this, but hit92.9 is really the only radio station that I listen to.”
“I usually skip through songs with everyone, but Heidi, Xavier & Ryan is the only show I actually listen to.”
Watch below. 
