AFTRS Radio Graduation

The Australian Film Television and Radio School’s Radio Graduation ceremony last Friday marked the employment of seven graduates and signalled the availability of the other graduates to the commercial radio industry.

Rachael Stevens has accepted a posting to the Federal Press Gallery News Bureau in Canberra. She will report for Sydney stations 2GB and 2CH, as well as affiliated Macquarie Radio Network stations.

Stevens is one of seven 2002 Commercial Radio Broadcasting graduands who have already gained broadcasting positions.

· Lisa Lloyd will join Sydney’s 2SM in production and network announcing

· Kristie Sommers will be the morning announcer for FM 100.3 Armidale

· Greg Allan will join 2MC/Star FM in Port Macquarie

· Aaron Kirby has accepted a position at C-FM Toowoomba as a copywriter/relief announcer

· Kristy Warner will join 2SM’s newsroom

· And David Gillies has been employed as an announcer at 2NM in Muswellbrook for three months

Other graduates Andy Park, Brendan Englebrecht, Josh King, Miki Boyd, Nicole McCracken, and Richard Palmer are now on the job market.

Aaron Kirby was Dux of the graduating class.

The 2002 Radio Graduation ceremony was hosted by AFTRS alumni member Mark Warren and included guest speakers Cathy O’Connor, General Manager of Austereo and Joan Warner CEO of Commercial Radio Australia.

Student biographies can be viewed at