2UE’s version of The Sopranos

2UE’s latest ad campaign features a full size photo of the talk back team with the heading “Sydney’s Top Talk Team”.

The photo in Sydney’s Telegraph has been described as “…mugshot featuring 2UE’s version of the The Sopranos…” it’s also caused 2GB’s George Buschman to retaliate with a ‘cease and desist’ letter…for a PAPER CLIP of the full story and the picture in question click below.

Also reported in the Tele was an incident at 2SM where Chairman Bill Caralis allegedly barged into the on-air studio the other night and ordered the announcer to come out and help him move furniture. The announcer protested that he was on-air and could not leave his listeners.

Despite his protests, Bill reminded him who owned the network. We don’t know the outcome. But we’re pretty sure Bill’s still there.