Podcast listening falls in April: Triton Digital

The April results for Triton Digital’s Podcast Ranker list the Top Podcasts from participating publishers in Australia, as measured by Triton’s Podcast Metrics measurement service.

For this reporting period, the top three publishers yet again were ARN’s iHeartPodcast Network Australia, LiSTNR (SCA), and Audioboom.

The overall monthly downloads for April fell from 72.8 million in March to 63.3 million.

The top three podcasts for both the Top 100 Ranker and Top 100 All-Australian Ranker included, Hamish & Andy (LiSTNR (SCA)), Casefile True Crime (Audioboom), and 7am (Schwartz Media).

There were several debuts for the Top 100 Ranker from Liar, Liar: Melissa Caddick and the Missing Millions (Nine Publishing), News with (Nine Publishing), SACKED: AFL (News Corp Australia), and more.

And also several debuts in the Australian-Made Top 100 Ranker from The Lost Ones (News Corp Australia), That’s Enough Already with Urzila Carlson (LiSTNR (SCA)), The Front (Nine Publishing), and more.

Participating publishers in the Australian Ranker include Audioboom, ARN’s iHeartPodcast Network Australia, DM Podcasts, Equity Mates Media, Hidden Brain Media, LiSTNR (SCA), Motorsport Podcast Network, News Corp Australia, Nine, NOVA Entertainment, Podshape, Schwartz Media, Sports Entertainment Network (SEN), Stitcher Media, TOFOP Productions, The Chaser, Wavelength Creative and West Australian Newspapers.



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