Vale Bob Moore: with blooper audio

“What naff copy… I can’t possibly do this, you’ve gotta get someone with a cleaner mind…”

Bob Moore’s daughter Brigid Gibson has informed radioinfo that Bob passed away last Friday night after a lengthy battle with lung cancer. Bob was a well known music and sports announcer for ABC Radio from the late 1950s.

His funeral will be held on Friday 18th October at 1.30pm at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Avoca Street, Randwick.

Bob, popularly known as ‘Rocket’, was a cheery, well-respected ABC radio and TV presenter. His late wife Margaret Delves was a pioneer TV Producer/Director from the early years at the Gore Hill studios.

He got his nickname ‘Rocket’ from Johnny O’Keefe, who worked with him on music programs in the 1960s. After working for the ABC, he moved to commercial radio, joining 2CH as part of the ‘Snob Mob,’ and was a sought after Voice Over talent.

Grace Gibson Productions’ Bruce Ferrier sent us a blooper as a way of remembering Bob, saying:

Thought your readers might enjoy this blooper tape of the late Bob Moore attempting to record an ad for a Sydney jewellers back in the very straight-laced days of the 2CH ‘Good Music’ era in 1972.

His laughter is absolutely contagious, and is a most fitting tribute to his persona: a truly delightful guy. I know Bob was only too happy for people to enjoy hearing this, so share same in the complete confidence that he’d be only too happy for it to be shared at this time.

Bob’s old friend Alan Marks has contributed this story about his time at ABC Radio Sport:

“Early one Sunday, Bob was despatched to pick up some milk and bread for breakfast. On his way to the shop he had to pass by the Randwick Military Oval where the ABC team had the early game that week in the Journalists’ Cup Rugby League competition.  

 He was just going to ‘have a look’.

When he found out the ABC team was a player or two short, Bob didn’t hesitate to help make-up the numbers – we found him a pair of shorts, a team jersey and some borrowed boots.

 It took only a couple of tackles before Bob was carried off, and taken to hospital with a broken collar-bone.  When Bob got back to the Oval a few hours later, the games were over,  the BBQ was lit and the beer was flowing freely.

 We hear Bob got back home after dark, his arm in a sling, walking with difficulty and WITHOUT the milk and the bread.”


Read about some of Bob’s early ABC career in his own words in this transcript of his reminiscences.
