Figures show changes in advertising market

Top advertisers over the past four and a half years

The list below, supplied by AirCheck, shows those brands concurrently advertising on Radio appearing within the Top 200 of the major Metro markets since 2008.

Below that is a chart showing the weight of advertising in the number of exposures these brands had on radio in the same period. Although it shows a sharp decline for 2012, it should be remembered that the current year is far from over.

Nonetheless, some advertising categories are in decline, while others, that don’t show up on the Concurrent list, such as online shopping are emerging.




didyouknow_icon_161‘Did You Know’ is based on commercial and song airplay data from radio stations in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide, Perth, Central Coast, Newcastle & Geelong. Click here for a detailed list of stations monitored.